Results for 'Ana Lorena Nieto Manini'

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  1.  14
    El arte de volar en ovidio: El efecto de Los preverbios sobre un verbo de manera de moverse.Ana Lorena Nieto Manini - 2018 - Argos 41:e0001.
    Desde un marco lingüístico funcional y cognitivo, se estudia el efecto de los preverbios añadidos en un Verbo de Manera de Moverse: volare. El corpus se establece desde toda la obra poética de Ovidio a partir del estudio de la diferencia semántica y gramatical de volare en forma simple y compuesta y la alteración de la telicidad y transitivación de las cláusulas.El latín es una lengua de marco por satélite y por lo tanto la añadidura de preverbios corroborará o no (...)
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    Historia y persona. Diarios y cartas del conflicto armado en Centroamérica.Ana Lorena Carrillo Padilla - 2016 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 19:221-234.
    En el presente artículo se hace referencia a formas y modalidades de escritura autobiográfica: dos “diarios” y un epistolario, producidos todos en el contexto de las guerras centroamericanas de los años ochenta del siglo pasado. Las comillas señalan la ambigüedad genérica de los dos textos que se presentan como diarios. El propósito es mostrar ejemplos de configuración de esta escritura en escenarios distintos, pero marcados todos por la violencia de aquella circunstancia histórica.
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    Consideraciones sobre la percepción desde la perspectiva enactiva.Ana Lorena Dominguez Rojas - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (1):29-49.
    This article reviews the enactive approach to perception, which defends the role of objects, the subject and the environment in the configuration of the phenomenal character of perception, that is, the qualitative dimension of experience. Initially the case of hallucination and its implications in the understanding of the phenomenal character of perception is retaken. Then, two positions within analytic philosophy of perception, representationalism and disjunctivism, are critically explored. Finally, enactivism is presented as a more promising alternative.
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  4. Critical Thinking.Ana M. Nieto & Carlos Saiz - 2010 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 25 (2):19-26.
    Traditionally, it has been held that critical thinking requires a set of cognitive skills and dispositions. The present work supports the opinion of some theorists who have proposed that these might not be the only two ingredients necessary for improving critical thinking. More specifically, new factors could be necessary if critical thinking is to be achieved, such as gaining an epistemological understanding of critical thinking; reaching a given level of epistemological development, or the beliefs that are held about thinking. These (...)
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  5. El espacio imaginado: la teoría kantiana del éter.Ana María Rioja Nieto - 1984 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 4:129-138.
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    El Derecho de Autor y la protección de materiales periodísticos en consideración a los medios impresos. Ensayo.Ana E. Mas, Q. Rubí & Lorena Velásquez González - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 3 (3):468-471.
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    A Study of the Internal Structure of Critical Thinking Dispositions.Ana Mª Nieto & Jorge Valenzuela - 2012 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 27 (1):31-38.
    The execution of critical thinking depends on a set of skills and dispositions. It is unanimously accepted that skills represent the cognitive component, but consensus varies with regard to dispositions. Although most theoreticians admit that this is a complex construct integrated by motivations and mental habits, they don’t explain further. We have performed a study attempting to explore the internal structure of dispositions. We suggest a possible hypothesis of “Motivational Genesis of Dispositions,” according to which disposition would be formed by (...)
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  8. La filosofía de la complementaridad y la descripción objetiva de la naturaleza.Ana María Rioja Nieto - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 8:257-282.
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  9. Física y teoría del conocimiento.Ana María Rioja Nieto - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:815-822.
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  10. Los orígenes del principio de indeterminación.Ana María Rioja Nieto - 1995 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 10 (1):117-142.
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    Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-first-century Perspectives. [REVIEW]Ana Rioja Nieto - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (4):429-432.
    Volume 31, Issue 4, December 2017, Page 429-432.
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  12. The distance as philosophical problem.Javier Ordónez Rodríguez & Ana María Rioja Nieto - 2009 - In José Luis González Recio (ed.), Philosophical essays on physics and biology. New York: G. Olms.
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  13.  15
    Teoría, experiencia y realidad en Albert Einstein.Ana Rioja Nieto - 2023 - Perspectivas 7 (2):8-28.
    Es bien conocida la posición crítica que Albert Einstein mantuvo frente a la interpretación del nuevo formalismo cuántico que se gestó en torno al Instituto de Física Teórica de Copenhague, dirigido por Niels Bohr, desde la tercera década del siglo XX hasta el fin de sus días. Simplificando la cuestión, suele afirmarse que aquel defendió una concepción realista de la ciencia, a diferencia de físicos como el propio Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, también Max Born, y otros. Asimismo, frecuentemente se (...)
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    Science and Technology in the European Periphery: Some Historiographical Reflections.Kostas Gavroglu, Manolis Patiniotis, Faidra Papanelopoulou, Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro, Maria Paula Diogo, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez, Antonio García Belmar & Agustí Nieto-Galan - 2008 - History of Science 46 (2):153-175.
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    (1 other version)Ana María Lorandi: viñetas de la vida de la Maestra Encantadora.Lorena B. Rodríguez - 2017 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 7 (1).
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    Evaluación del conocimiento y práctica de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en personal asistencial de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018.Laura Isabel Vallejo Londoño, Ana María Palacio Restrepo, Verónica Marulanda Jaramillo, Andrea Restrepo Múnera, Laura Yepes Valencia, Nelcy Lorena Valencia Ortiz & Marco Cruz Duque - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):177-187.
    Evaluating the Knowledge and Practice of Limitation of Therapeutic Effort in Health Workers at a Health Care Institution for Cancer Patients in Medellín, 2018Avaliação do conhecimento e da prática da limitação de esforço terapêutico em equipe de atendimento de uma instituição prestadora de serviços de saúde para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018Limitation of therapeutic effort is any action that involves suspending or not initiating medical treatment or therapeutic measures in patients who will not receive any clinical benefit. In Latin America, (...)
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    The relation of general socio-emotional processing to parenting specific behavior: a study of mothers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder.Dominik A. Moser, Tatjana Aue, Francesca Suardi, Aurélia Manini, Ana Sancho Rossignol, Maria I. Cordero, Gaëlle Merminod, François Ansermet, Sandra Rusconi Serpa, Nicolas Favez & Daniel S. Schechter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  18. Brain Atrophy and Clinical Characterization of Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Different Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Profiles According to the AT(N) Research Framework of Alzheimer’s Disease.Miguel Ángel Rivas-Fernández, Mónica Lindín, Montserrat Zurrón, Fernando Díaz, José Manuel Aldrey-Vázquez, Juan Manuel Pías-Peleteiro, Laura Vázquez-Vázquez, Arturo Xosé Pereiro, Cristina Lojo-Seoane, Ana Nieto-Vieites & Santiago Galdo-Álvarez - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionThis study aimed to evaluate, in adults with mild cognitive impairment, the brain atrophy that may distinguish between three AT biomarker-based profiles, and to determine its clinical value.MethodsStructural MRI was employed to evaluate the volume and cortical thickness differences in MCI patients with different AT profiles, namely, A−T−−: normal AD biomarkers; A+T−−: AD pathologic change; and A+T++: prodromal AD. Sensitivity and specificity of these changes were also estimated.ResultsAn initial atrophy in medial temporal lobe areas was found in the A+T−− and (...)
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  19.  14
    Lex Artis en oftalmología, análisis ético y bioético.Claudia Lorena Arellano Martínez, María Fernanda Martínez Palomo, Rene Dávila Mendoza, Juan Manuel Paulin Huerta, Carlos Francisco Navas Villar, Ulises de Dios Cuadras, Jaime Francisco Rosales Padrón, Jane Nemer Yaspik & Camila González Rodríguez - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1129-1166.
    Las personas dedicadas a otorgar servicios de la salud tienen el compromiso legal, ético, profesional y humano de velar por la salud y el bienestar de la sociedad. Un médico no sólo debe formarse en el ámbito académico y técnico, también debe construir y trabajar en su ética profesional. La actualización médica continua en medicina basada en evidencia y el continuo adiestramiento en el área práctica y clínica, si bien son de suma importancia, deben ir de la mano con la (...)
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  20.  17
    Ocio lúdico-cultural y relaciones intergeneracionales.María Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio, Magdalena Sáenz De Jubera Ocón, Rosa Ana Alonso Ruiz, Cristina Medrano Pascual & Mario Santamaría Baños - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-17.
    El objetivo fue examinar el valor del ocio lúdico y cultural compartido entre abuelos y nietos para el bienestar de ambas generaciones. Se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas -cuestionario ad hoc administrado a 1080 estudiantes de primaria- y cualitativas-2 grupos de discusión-. Las actividades lúdicas y culturales fueron preferentesen el ocio compartido, practicándose más con las abuelas. Como aportacionesdestacaron el incremento de la comunicación, la diversión, el aprendizaje mutuo y elbienestar afectivo. La práctica de ocio cultural y lúdico intergeneracional se asociópositivamente con (...)
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    Religiosas en América Latina: memorias y contextos.Juliana Neri Munhoz - forthcoming - Horizonte:e206115.
    Resenha do livro SUÁREZ, Ana Lourdes; CARRANZA, Brenda; FACCIOLA, Mariana; e Fastuca, Lorena Fernandez. Religiosas en América Latina: memorias y contextos. Buenos Aires: IICS, Universidad Católica Argentina, 2020. 480 p.
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    A descolonização do pensamento e a perspectiva em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade.Ana Paula Nascimento Lourenço, Antônio Haliski & Rogério Baptistella - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021017.
    A filosofia e os filósofos ocidentais, desde sua gênese na Grécia Antiga, acreditavam que apenas os gregos possuíam epistemologias e racionalidades. As sociedades africanas, por exemplo, eram consideradas a-históricas e tinham sua contribuição na estruturação do conhecimento científico negada pelos filósofos ocidentais. Durante muitos séculos, essa ideia foi difundida ao redor do mundo, inclusive, durante o projeto de colonização das Américas. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é compreender, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, como a falta de reconhecimento dos povos diásporos (...)
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  23.  18
    O papel da música nas atividades de trabalho.Ana Raquel Motta - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (2):90-114.
    RESUMOO artigo discute o papel da música no trabalho, considerando a atividade musical como uma prática discursiva intersemiótica. Para ser capaz de examinar o tema tanto do ponto de vista da música quanto do trabalho, colocados juntos pelo discurso, a abordagem utilizada é interdisciplinar, composta por análise do discurso, etnomusicologia e ergologia. Primeiramente as fronteiras do conceito tradicional de cantos de trabalho são expandidas através da análise de dois exemplos pouco convencionais: uma peça publicitária e uma embalagem de produto. A (...)
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    Images.Tupac Cruz & Lorena Espitia - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):138-139.
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  25. Dialectica în existență.Ana Katz - 1972 - București,: Editura științifică.
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    An Ethical Justification for Expanding the Notion of Effectiveness in Vaccine Post-Market Monitoring: Insights from the HPV Vaccine in Canada.Ana Komparic, Maxwell J. Smith & Alison Thompson - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):78-91.
    Health regulators must carefully monitor the real-world safety and effectiveness of marketed vaccines through post-market monitoring in order to protect the public’s health and promote those vaccines that best achieve public health goals. Yet, despite the fact that vaccines used in collective immunization programmes should be assessed in the context of a public health response, post-market effectiveness monitoring is often limited to assessing immunogenicity or limited programmatic features, rather than assessing effectiveness across populations. We argue that post-market monitoring ought to (...)
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  27. Slaven Ravlić, Poredak slobode: Politička misao Johna Stuarta Milla (The Order of Freedom: The Political Thought of John Stuart Mill).Ana Maršanić - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5:241-245.
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    Kants Ethischer Autonomiebegriff: Eine Genetische Rekonstruktion von 1762 Bis 1785.Ana-Carolina Gutiérrez-Xivillé - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Ana‐Carolina Gutiérrez‐Xivillé präsentiert eine neue Lesart zu Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Während ältere Studien die kantische Ethik als bloße Ausarbeitung von bereits in den 1760er Jahren vorliegenden Begriffen lesen, zeigt diese Studie eine Neubestimmung des Freiheitsbegriffs und bietet eine gewandelte Sicht auf das Verhältnis zwischen „Moralvermögen“, „moralischem Gefühl“ und „Moralprinzip“. Gutiérrez‐Xivillé betrachtet die Texte weder isoliert noch monolithisch. Ihre aus einem analytischen und einem exegetischen Moment bestehende Methode erfasst Kants bekannte Schriften ebenso wie in jüngerer Zeit neu edierte, (...)
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    “Oh! Teleworking!” Regimes of engagement and the lived experience of female Spanish teleworkers.Ana Gálvez, Francisco Tirado & Jose M. Alcaraz - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):180-192.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)Building brand narratives with hashtags on Twitter.Lorena Pérez-Hernández - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):515-542.
    This paper investigates the use of hashtags in the building of brand narratives (i.e. the open-ended, unfolding and participative depiction of a company’s core ideology and beliefs). A collection of over 700 hashtags involved in the creation of the advertising narratives of the four leading soft drinks brands in 2017 (i.e.Coca-Cola, Pepsi, RedBull, Nescafé) has been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to unveil their functions and formal characteristics, as well as the cognitive processes that underlie their interpretation and operate on (...)
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    Assessing States’ Claims to Self-Determination in the Real World.Ana Tanasoca - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (3):445-450.
    In her recent book Gillian Brock argues that states’ legitimacy depends on their being part of a just state system that protects human rights. Here I discuss some practical limitations raised by Brock’s legitimacy framework: mainly, (1) the problematic real-world implications of such an account, and (2) the epistemic challenges that judgements inspired by this account would have to face, were we to proceed solely on the basis of it.
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    Professional Boundaries that Promote Dignity and Rights in Social Work Practice.Ana Kapelj - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (4):450-456.
    In this essay I present some of my thoughts on the issue of boundaries in the professional relationship between service users and social workers. As a graduate student of social work, I had an opportunity to discuss ethical dilemmas in an international perspective in one of my courses. A guest professor, who provided international perspectives, was Prof. Kim Strom from UNC at Chapel Hill in North Carolina, USA. The lectures offered a fresh perspective that raised many questions about thick and (...)
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    La tensión entre una espiritualidad desde abajo y una espiritualidad desde arriba. Paradojas de la Exhortación Apostólica Amoris Laetitia.Lorena Basualto Porra - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (170):153-182.
    El artículo busca analizar la paradoja que se puede descubrir en Amoris Laetitia entre una espiritualidad desde abajo y una espiritualidad desde arriba. El Papa Francisco busca romper esta tensión entre el ideal y la realidad a través del desarrollo de una espiritualidad familiar que se encuentra con Dios a partir de las flaquezas, de la incapacidad e incluso de los pecados. Ahora bien, cuando se refiere a temas propios de la moral conyugal y familiar, no puede sino articularlo desde (...)
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    Freud Y lévinas: Un diálogo sobre el problema de la constitución Del sujeto Y las fronteras de lo decible.Niklas Bornhauser & Lorena Jaume - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 24.
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    A support vector regression model for time series forecasting of the COMEX copper spot price.Esperanza García-Gonzalo, Paulino José García Nieto, Javier Gracia Rodríguez, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras & Gregorio Fidalgo Valverde - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):775-784.
    The price of copper is unstable but it is considered an important indicator of the global economy. Changes in the price of copper point to higher global growth or an impending recession. In this work, the forecasting of the spot prices of copper from the New York Commodity Exchange is studied using a machine learning method, support vector regression coupled with different model schemas (recursive, direct and hybrid multi-step). Using these techniques, three different time series analyses are built and its (...)
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  36. La filosofía de la causalidad en Davidson.Claudia Lorena García - 1980 - Dianoia 26:178.
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  37. La justicia de menores: educación o prisión.Luis Carlos Nieto García - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):31-35.
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    The Ego’s Attention and the Therapist’s Attention to Reality in Freud. At the Threshold of Ethics.Ana Lucía Montoya - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (2):92-99.
    This article aims to show that the practice of attention can create an openness to the truth, from where ethics arises. It does so by exploring the role attention plays, according to Ricoeur, in Freud’s thought. Ricoeur shows how in the first stage of Freud’s thinking – that of the Project of a Scientific Psychology – attention is one of the instances in which a purely mechanical quantitative explanation can be questioned. Further on, with the introduction of narcissism, Ricœur shows (...)
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    Diccionarios para un concepto de cuerpo.Ana Sabrina Mora, Ariel Martínez & Verónica Capasso (eds.) - 2022 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Conceiving Cosmopolitanism and Cosmopolitan Law: Theories, Contexts and Practice for a World Peace.Ana Luiza Silveira Nedochetko - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:321-326.
    _Review of: Consani, Cristina Foroni; Klein, Joel T.; Nour Sckell, Soraya, _Cosmopolitanism: From the Kantian Legacy to Contemporary Approaches_, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021, pp. 327. ISBN 978-3-428-58460-4._.
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  41. Legal Disagreements and Theories of Reference.Genoveva Marti & Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña - 2016 - In Alessandro Capone & Francesca Poggi (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Philosophical Perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 121-139.
    In this work we examine critically how two competing approaches to meaning account for disagreements. We will argue that Hart's conventionalist stance does not commit him to descriptivism. That non-descriptivist theories of reference, properly understood, can account for a vast array of cases of interpretive disagreement and that and that an account of different kinds of disagreement can be provided from a conventionalist perspective within the framework of non-descriptivist theories of reference.
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    To Be or Not To Be Involved in Neuroethics: An Entrepreneurial Perspective.Ana Maiques - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):202-204.
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    Quantum Chemistry in Great Britain: Developing a Mathematical Framework for Quantum Chemistry.Ana Simões & Kostas Gavroglu - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):511-548.
  44. Marcas socioculturais em corpos femininos negros.Ana Rita Santiago - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (2):77-91.
    Bodies of afro descendant women carry not only the historical marks of suffering and dispossession. For they are also told stories of resistance, faith and ancestry, and as social constructions, such bodies are presented as drawings of the cultural diversity that permeates individual and collective identities. Thus, this paper has the approaches around the body beyond the biological and discusses further socio-cultural marks on afro descendant feminist bodies, making allusions and images appear in Brazilian literature and speeches on such bodies.
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    The Matacos in the Chaco (Argentina). Men and women in a late colonial context.Ana A. Teruel - 2011 - Clio 33:193-209.
    Cet article est un premier essai d’étude historique sur les relations de genre dans les sociétés indigènes du Chaco, en Amérique du Sud. Le traitement de cette question nécessitant de travailler à partir de contextes sociaux, temporels et spatiaux concrets, nous avons situé l’analyse dans un secteur de la « frontière » chaquéenne placé sous la juridiction argentine, à des moments immédiatement antérieurs et postérieurs à la campagne militaire engagée pour soumettre les populations indigènes entre 1884 et 1911. Nous travaillons (...)
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  46. Koncept evolucije muzike u teorijama Herberta Spensera i Čarlsa Darvina.Ana Petrov - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):253-273.
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    Internal Marketing As A Key To Strategic Human Resources Management In The Education Industry In The Context Of The COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Serafim, Cláudia Miranda Veloso, Etelvina Vaz Miranda & Bruno Sousa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:157-168.
    Several studies prove the relevance of internal marketing in promoting job satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, educational institutions were faced with a set of challenges that forced the redefinition of strategies appropriate to the context experienced, with internal marketing being a key factor in redefining these same strategies. This study aims to evaluate whether internal marketing is a catalyst for professional satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals in the Education industry active in Portugal during the (...)
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  48. Die Lehre des Erscheinens bei Jan Patočka.Ana Cecilia Santos - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7:303-329.
    In this article the author attempts to establish whether we can find a “theory of appearance” in the philosophy of Jan Patočka. The “appearance” for Patočka is basically composed of two elements. First there is a “primeval movement” which accounts for an infinite possibility of phenomena. The second element is the relation of this movement with an “addressee”, the subjectivity. If we begin to analyse the unity of these two elements we fundamentally come across three problems: what is it that (...)
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    Lay concepts in informed consent to biomedical research: The capacity to understand and appreciate risk.Ana Iltis - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (4):180–190.
    ABSTRACT Persons generally must give their informed consent to participate in research. To provide informed consent persons must be given information regarding the study in simple, lay language. Consent must be voluntary, and persons giving consent must be legally competent to consent and possess the capacity to understand and appreciate the information provided. This paper examines the relationship between the obligation to disclose information regarding risks and the requirement that persons have the capacity to understand and appreciate the information. There (...)
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    Cassandra and A Room of One's Own: A common cry of frustration.Ana Choperena & Inés Díaz-Dorronsoro - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12663.
    In this manuscript, we explore the connections between Florence Nightingale's Cassandra and Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own while taking the authors' personal and social contexts into account. We conduct a detailed textual analysis from a feminist perspective. Cassandra and A Room of One's Own exhibit singular textual commonalities, such as evidence of trauma, the integration of myth and fiction as literary devices aimed at facilitating the author's access to various social spheres, the use of interpellations to impact the (...)
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